
This spring as you prepare for warmer weather declutter winter coats and jackets. Children’s winter coats are often passed from child to child. Spend a few minutes and look at the coats and jackets. Are they clean, in good repair and still wearable? For those that need to be cleaned and mended, will you take the time to clean and repair them before winter? If you won’t, put them in the give away or throw away bag. Has your youngest child outgrown the smallest coats and jackets? Put the outgrown coats in the give away bag. Look at the coats and jackets for the adults. Are they clean and in good shape? Ask yourself how long it has been since they were worn. Give away the coats that you don’t wear. Toss away the coats that really and truly are worn out!  Mend and clean the coats you intend to keep.  Fold them and store them in labeled boxes or bins.

organize coats

declutter de coats! 😉

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