
Breakfast Nook Table

Breakfast Nook Table

This is a little cherry table my daughter gave me about a year ago and I have just had it stored in my garage…waiting. I forgot to take a before picture, but this was a table in the kids room and had pictures glued to it and paste and glitter and paint stains all over it. I started sanding it down, but when I got this far …I LOVE IT…and decided to leave it like that. This is the first coat of mim.

“Fireplace Room” Project

Our parking lot and garage are at the back of our house, so our back door gets far more traffic than our front door.
The room that our back door opens into is a small add-on room off our kitchen. It isn’t exactly part of the kitchen, nor is it a separate room of it’s own since it is only separated from the kitchen by an archway. The room has a fireplace and so the name. It has rough pine trim the plan is to paint it white and install a window seat where the built in bookcase is. I haven’t made up mind what color the walls should be. Any suggestions?

Built-In or Tear-Out?

Built-In or Tear-Out?

I am getting ready to paint this room. I can’t make up mind whether to paint these built in book shelves and counter or just rip them out (and maybe put them somewhere else)?
What do YOU think…any ideas?